Too time-specific (and probably a bit geographic-specific as well...). Un-relatable and very slow (to my taste at least). Found the second husband very irresponsible - yeah right dont take care yourself and die early to put your newly-wed into abyss. THANK YOU.
Zima blue 越看越有意思;Beyond the Aquila Rift 细思极恐;The WIitness 画风令人深刻原来导演就是《旖旎美甲》的前艺术总监;Fish Night画风美轮美奂结局也颇具深意;Sonnie`s edge 女性视角下的铁甲钢拳两次反杀都很出人意料这是一部会让我刷很多次的网剧感谢网飞